See Retruster in Action
Everything from initial integration to end-user experience
See for yourself What Retruster Is All About
Click one of the icons below to get started!
Initial Integration
A 2-minute process
User Experience
Seamless & effective
Distribution options
Become a partner
Case Studies
Success stories
See it: integration
Video length: 75 seconds
Watch how Retruster is added to an organization in under 2 minutes. No disruption, no interruption, no changing of ANY settings. Just authorize, and you’re off!
How does Retruster work?
Using the Microsoft Graph API with proprietary algorithms, Retruster detects anomalies in real-time.
It gives users context-specific warnings about potential threats and allows users to see information not apparent with the naked eye.
Thanks to this architecture, it can be used together with any other security product (including Mimecast, Proofpoint, etc.), and requires no changing of records, no rerouting of emails and ensures no disruption of any kind.
Outlook add-in
Just authorize

Everyone Should Use It
Every organization should add Retruster - there's every reason to do so, and no reasons not to!
Friendly Price Package
This is a short description elaborating the service you have mentioned above.
See it: User Experience
Video length: 40 seconds
See how much value Retruster adds for users. It provides immediate value while being unobtrusive, and is always there as the last line of defense.
Retruster for Distributors
Retruster is a new revenue opportunity for MSPs, distributors and IT Service Providers. Central management dashboards easily let you onboard new users, invoice and track your progress.
No downside
Clients love it

No risk, No downside
Retruster is becoming THE way forward-thinking distributors differentiate themselves and offer value to clients.
Friendly Price Package
This is a short description elaborating the service you have mentioned above.
See it: Distribution
Video length: 20 seconds
Want to become a Retruster Partner? See how easy it is to distribute Retruster and earn revenues for the clients you sign up!
Case Studies
Follow these steps to get started. Not happy? It’s just as easy to remove.
Any questions? Contact support.
The Cheating Chairman
It was the classic phishing email - and unfortunately this happens all the time.

Let's talk about making an impact with Retruster.
Click below to set up a convenient time to discuss Retruster and your business.